Monday 26 November 2018

See your specimens afresh using the amazing microscope

Student B and I have spent a very interesting afternoon photographing his wasps and bees using the lovely microscope and its camera. We tried to identify some but I fear my brain is starting to succumb to lack of sunshine - despite taking a walk at lunchtime. We did discover, however, that this amazing creature is one of the Chrysidoidea or Ruby-tailed wasps. There are 31 species in the UK! Who would have thought it. It makes me regret not spending more time searching for insects in the summer.

Look at the iridescence (don't look at the pin, which was a bit of a poor choice, being so enormous compared to the wasp). My boss suggested the vivid metallic colours might be a result of interference. The body is also quite bumpy, which must scatter the light even more and improve the effect? We were wondering why it should be so attractive, when it actually sneaks about parasitising other types of wasp. Who knows.

I haven't got many classes from now until Christmas, so if you want some help with your own samples, or to take some pictures, please do send an email or drop by. A few interesting photos would be great stuck into your notebook and annotated. I'm here until the bitter end, i.e. the week after the end of term.

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